Microwire arrays are classical neural probes which are widely used in hundreds of ephys labs for decades. With proven performance in both acute and chronic recordings, these arrays are a great option for recordings in small and big animals (mouse, rat, bird, feline etc.) at an entry-level cost.

The microwires are cut to desired length and Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) stabilizes the structure of all wires while advancing into the target brain region(s). PEG can be easily washed-off with saline during the insertion process. Such approach assures effective and accurate penetration.

  • Material: nichrome, tungsten.
  • Impedance: 300-600K Ohm.
  • Channel count: 4-32 or customization.
  • Channel configuration: 1×4, 2×2, 4×4, 4×6, 5×5, 6×6, 4×8 or customization. See examples.
  • Pitch (um): 150, 250, 300, 500.
  • Connector type: 16-ch Omnetics, 32-ch Omnetics or customization.
  • Electrode length: 3-15 mm.
  • PEG covered length: 3-10 mm.